Silhouette Andrew Pano

Transitioning to Children’s Small Groups

Transitioning to children’s small groups is much the same as transitioning adults: We experience a change of values, which leads to a change of approach and structures.

Generational Transformation gives vision, training, and materials.

My prayer is that the following will help you identify the transformation that can take place with this emerging generation as the values are lived out in the Children’s (or youth) Ministry, and through the church as a whole (substitute “children” for “teenagers”/“adults” and the Church will be moving together as a mighty mobilized army for God).

Jesus at the Center:
- Jesus at the center of every child’s/teen’s life.
- Jesus at the center of every family.

Every Child in Ministry:
- All children are ministers.
- All children are called to serve.
- All children are empowered for service.

Every Child Growing:
- All children are receivers and givers.
- All children are hearers and doers.
- All children being discipled.

Every Child Witnessing:
- All children are called to win others.
- All children are equipped to win others.
- All children making disciples.

Every Family Reached:
- The family of every child reached for Jesus.
- Parents who know Jesus, discipling their own children.
- The family of every child serving Jesus together.

Every Child and Every Family:
- Loving God.
- Loving one another.
- Loving the lost.