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Dell laptop running slow windows 10
Slow speed problem of a computer can arise due to several factors, but you can fix that problem by some simple steps. Troubleshooting steps to fix this problem are as follows:
• Check that you have all the latest windows update.
• Restart your computer.
• Remove the temporary and unnecessary files available on your computer.
• Use windows defender and run a full system scan.
• Uninstall some programs that are no longer in use.
These are the basic steps you can try to fix the slow speed problem. If these steps don’t work, then take help from Dell customer support number. Talk to techies on this number and get your problem solved quickly.

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tracy johnson 01/31/2019 10:06

Adrian Gates 06/26/2020 20:03
Here are a few fixes in general. The performance increase you can get may vary.

1. Health Check Your Dell Laptop
Viruses and malware can cause your Dell laptop to run slowly as well as some other serious issues. We recommend getting BitDefender Antivirus Plus and run a thorough scan of your computer to see if you are caught by any viruses or malware. We recommend this antivirus program because it’s widely viewed as the best antivirus software out there as of this writing.

2. Optimize Windows 10 Startup
If your Dell laptop is brand new, make sure you’ve uninstalled those bloatware that could have been pre-installed on your computer because they are useless most of the time.

Then manage and optimize startup items, i.e. applications or services that automatically boot when you turn on your Dell, you can use the built-in feature called Task Manager on Windows 10 to disable them.

This video shows you how:

3. Clean Dell Laptop Hard Drive
A fragmented or cluttered hard drive can also cause performance issues, especially if you’ve saved tons of files and applications to your Dell laptop main drive. The more data you store to the main drive, the harder Windows 10 is going to work.

To clean up PC hard drive, you can use this lightweight app called CleanMyPC to have a quick scan, then it may help you free up a decent amount of disk space by removing system junks, unused programs, and other unnecessary files.

4. Fix Registry Issue
Windows OS has a collection of system files that serve different functions. It’s possible these files become corrupted — with symptoms like annoying Windows errors, registry issues. To fix that, try CCleaner — a free tool that can quickly find all registry issues in your Dell and cure them once for all.

5. Upgrade Hardware
If your Dell laptop is quite old and you still don’t want to recycle it yet, then it’s probably time to upgrade the hardware. You’ll get a real performance boost from hardware upgrades.

Need more power to handle software requests? Get an extra 4GB RAM like this.

Is the hard disk drive running slowly? Replace it with an SSD like this.