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How to troubleshoot Norton downloading issues?
Norton makes some useful products to save your computer and other devices from virus and malware attacks. To avail the services of Norton products you need to download it. But if you face problems while downloading the software you need to follow these below-mentioned steps:
• Remove any prior installed antivirus software
• Disable the windows firewall
• Check your internet connection
• Make enough space on your computer
• Process the re-download
• Update your system drivers
After processing these steps if you are not able to proceed the download Norton products then you need to call at Norton customer support to get the prominent support and expert guidance.

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Leo Smith 05/06/2019 10:36

Adrian Gates 12/25/2020 14:31
Exit all the programs.

Press Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.

In the Run dialog box, type the following text:


Click OK.

The current user's Temp folder opens in Windows Explorer.

On the Edit menu, click Select All.

Press Delete.

If you are asked to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

If you continue to have problems with downloading Norton from your account even after you delete the Windows temporary files, you can directly download and install Norton from one of the following links.