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If your active program window crashes suddenly or your system starts freezing for a few seconds at a time, it means the error 521 has occurred. If you want to fix this error, you will have to follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned below, and it will help you get rid of the problem
Steps you have to follow:
1) Check your PC driver
2) Remove the junk files
3) Complete Virus scan needs to be done
4) Check registry entries
5) Undo recent system changes
6) Reinstall AIM program
7) Update the window
8) Use Windows system file checker
9) Clean installation of Windows
These are the troubleshooting methods that you can use to fix AOL mail error 521. These methods are surely going to help you. But if these steps don’t come out to be helpful, you can contact AOL email customer care to get assistance from technical experts who will extensively guide you.


macy smith 07/19/2019 05:19

Adrian Gates 06/26/2020 19:50
Every error can be fixed if we take the appropriate action at the right time. So we can also fix AOL SMTP Code Error through many trick and techniques. You can do troubleshooting and some checkups to remove these types of error from your AOL Mail Account.
? First of all, scan your device with anti-virus.
? Then update the drivers of your windows.
? Delete the cache memory of your device and browser also.
? Uninstall the unwanted application and file from your device.
? Delete the AOL Application and reinstall it.
? Also, update your windows to its latest versions.
? Remove the extensions of your browser.