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If your active program window crashes suddenly or your system starts freezing for a few seconds at a time, it means the error 521 has occurred. If you want to fix this error, you will have to follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned below, and it will help you get rid of the problem
Steps you have to follow:
1) Check your PC driver
2) Remove the junk files
3) Complete Virus scan needs to be done
4) Check registry entries
5) Undo recent system changes
6) Reinstall AIM program
7) Update the window
8) Use Windows system file checker
9) Clean installation of Windows
These are the troubleshooting methods that you can use to fix AOL mail error 521. These methods are surely going to help you. But if these steps don’t come out to be helpful, you can contact AOL email customer care to get assistance from technical experts who will extensively guide you.


Macy Smith 07/25/2019 09:28

Adrian Gates 06/26/2020 19:51
You can use the basic solutions mentioned below to fix AOL email error 521:

Solution 1: Reboot the System: When you reboot or restart your computer, it automatically resets any code that may have encountered an error. Rebooting the system also closes all open programs and restarts the software from square one. A system reboot is often the most effective way you can fix AOL Email 521.

Solution 2: Update the Browser: Companies regularly update their internet browser to give users a faster and more secure browsing experience. Sometimes if your internet browser is outdated, you will not be able to sign in to your AOL email account. You should consider updating the browser before you open AOL.

Solution 3: Scan your Computer: If the computer you are using to access AOL is infected with a virus or malware, then you may not be able to access your account. Make sure you run a comprehensive antivirus scan on your system to ensure your computer is free from any malicious software.

Solution 4: Run Disk Clean-up: AOL email error code is sometimes caused because your computer hard drive is cluttered with a lot of unwanted data. You can use the Disk Clean-up (cleanmgr.exe) tool to scan your hard drive and remove the unnecessary files and speed up performance.

Solution 5: Use System File Checker: When the system files are damaged or missing, you may notice that some Windows functions may not work. You can use the System File Checker to scan your computer restore any damaged files in order to fix AOL email error 521.