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Avast unable to scan?
To get easy steps How to scan Avast in safe mode, how to schedule scan Avast, how to boot time scan Avast, how to enable boot-time scan in Avast, Avast boot-time scan not working or other problems if Avast unable to scan. Get simple and fast tricks to scan your Avast antivirus then it’s the fastest way to fix these problems.

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James Smith 11/25/2019 07:35

Adrian Gates 06/26/2020 19:48
Files that can't be scanned are just that, files that for one reason or another cannot be scanned. It’s not an indication that those files are suspicious or infected; it simply means that these files need another element before they can actually be opened and examined by Avast Antivirus.

Many programs (often security-related) password protect their files for legitimate reasons. Avast doesn't know the password or have any way of using it even if it did. Once the password is supplied by whatever program is using these files, Avast will check the files when they are actually run. If it turns out that something is hidden, Avast will block it. While they are in their password-protected state, the files pose no threat to you or your system.